Proper Posture: A Key to Your Good Health.
There is more to good posture than simply looking healthier and more confident.
Since your spinal cord is responsible for the proper functioning of your entire
nervous system, bad or improper posture can lead to excessive stress upon the
spine resulting in increased stress on your body. For example, poor posture
can constrain the normal functioning of your lungs, causing breathing problems.
The same problem can exist for other vital organs.
Good posture and wise lifting is a good way to keep your back healthy. |
Regular exercise is a key component to your long term health and well being.
Part of your chiropractic treatment may include certain exercises to strengthen
damaged muscles around your spine. It is crucial for you to follow the exercise
routine prescribed by your chiropractor. Also, you should consult with your chiropractor
before beginning any exercise program. An improper exercise program can work against your
chiropractic treatments and your long term health.
Here are some simple tests to determine if you have good posture:
1. Stand facing a wall. Your posture is correct if your chest touches the wall.
If your head touches the wall is posture is fair, if your stomach touches, you have bad posture.
2. Look at yourself in a full length mirror. If one shoulder is higher than the other,
your posture is in imbalance and you should consultant a chiropractor.
You should not only develop good posture for your back and health, proper care
should be observed when lifting any objects.
Here are some tips for safe lifting:
Establish firm footing with feet shoulder width apart.
Wear non-slip shoes.
Lift with your legs.
Keep your stomach muscles tight
Do not reach
Do not bend your back.
Bend at the hips and knees.
Keep the object close to your body.
Turn with your feet.
Don't twist!
Pull, push, rock, roll or slide the object if possible instead of
lifting. |